Ask Us Anything!
May is Prader Willi Syndrome Awareness month!
In addition to the challenge I have put forth and will be also participating in, I am giving everyone the opportunity to…
Sometimes it might feel cheezy or awkward to ask a question about Prader Willi syndrome, or how it affects Emelyn…
So with that in mind, I have made this an anonymous poll.
Don’t be afraid.
Just ask anything you want and I will answer your questions on our Fight the HUNGER faceook page. Giving you the information you are curious about is about raising awareness. How can you understand about Emelyn and those like her, without having the information you need?
If you havent had a chance to watch our May Challenge Video, here it is again for you.
Thanks Everyone for your continued support in both our lives and in support of Emelyn and Prader Willi Syndrome!